Simple, Quiet and Energy Efficient

Spectra Watermakers offer many features and benefits for boat owners, including:

  • High Efficiency: Spectra Watermakers utilize advanced energy recovery technology to maximize freshwater production while minimizing power consumption, making them highly efficient.
  • Compact Design: Their compact and modular design allows for flexible installation options, even in limited spaces on board.
  • Low Power Consumption: Spectra Watermaker’s are known for their low energy requirements, enabling boat owners to produce freshwater efficiently without an excessive energy drain.
  • High Water Output: Despite their low power consumption, Spectra Watermakers can produce a significant amount of freshwater per hour, ensuring an adequate supply for the vessel’s needs.
  • Freshwater Quality: Spectra Watermakers use high-quality filtration systems to ensure that the water produced, meets or exceeds water standards, providing clean and safe drinking water on board.
  • Easy Operation: These watermakers are designed for ease of use, with intuitive controls and automated features that simplify the watermaking process for boat owners.
  • Reliability: Spectra Watermakers are built to withstand the rigors of marine environments, with durable construction and reliable components that ensure consistent performance even in challenging conditions.
  • Longevity: With proper maintenance and care, Spectra Watermakers are built to last, providing a reliable source of freshwater for years to come.
  • Range of Sizes: Spectra offers a range of watermaker sizes to suit different vessel types and freshwater requirements, from compact units suitable for small sailboats to larger systems capable of meeting the needs of commercial vessels or luxury yachts.


Overall, Spectra Watermakers offer boat owners the advantages of efficient, reliable, and high-quality freshwater production, enhancing comfort and self-sufficiency during extended voyages or while cruising in remote locations.